Official Website

Captive Cooling and Energy Plants Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL)

District Cooling Plant optimises on the economics of scale of generating and distributing cooling across a wide area.  Such Cooling Plant utilises a combination of large Cooling Equipment.  While such large equipment tends to be generally more efficient, however when the system is poorly design it can lead to substantial operation energy loss.  Therefore, a well thought through concept, right application of systems, detailed design calculation and operation analysis is necessary to achieve an efficient cooling plant.
''A design is only as good as its controls''.  Operation of large equipment requires proper design of the controls.  This includes determining of the control philosophy, settings of parameters, etc.
As part of some of our customer needs, a Financial Projection is generated based on the design and costing for the purpose of project funding or utility rates determination. 

Direct Gas Fired Absorption Chillers

Steam Absorption Chillers

Electric Chillers

Thermal Energy Storage System

Control & Automation System

Boiler System


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